
Compare John Deere Deere 5075 E 4wd vs Other Commercial Vehicle Models

Compare Commercial Vehicles with John Deere Deere 5075 E 4wd by Technical specifications, dimensions, bodystyle, category, mileage, transmission, top speed, maximum power, maximum torque, country of origin, country of assembly, suspension system, braking system and more...

Image :
Category :Tractor
Fuel Type :Diesel
Mileage City :-
Mileage Highway :-
Gross Vehicle Weight :2640 kg ( 5820 lbs )
Passanger Capacity :2
Drivetrain :-
Overall Length :3630 mm ( 142.92 in )
Overall Width :1880 mm ( 74.01 in )
Overall Height :2045 mm ( 80.51 in )
Curb Weight :-
Air Conditioner :-
Basic Warranty :-