
Compare Preet Tracter 3549 2wd 35 Tractor vs Other Commercial Vehicle Models

Compare Commercial Vehicles with Preet Tracter 3549 2wd 35 Tractor by Technical specifications, dimensions, bodystyle, category, mileage, transmission, top speed, maximum power, maximum torque, country of origin, country of assembly, suspension system, braking system and more...

Image :
Category :Tractor
Fuel Type :Diesel
Mileage City :-
Mileage Highway :-
Gross Vehicle Weight :2060 Kg
Passanger Capacity :D+1
Drivetrain :2WD
Overall Length :-
Overall Width :-
Overall Height :-
Curb Weight :-
Air Conditioner :-
Basic Warranty :2 Years ( 1400 Hrs Maximum )